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What's Habbo Club?     How To Buy    


Habbo Club is Habbo Hotel's exclusive club, and as a member of this club you get privileges that are not available to non Habbo Club Habbos.

Habbo Club will cost you 25 credits for one month, 60 Credits for 3 months or 105 Credits for 6 months, but it is well worth the money!

As a member you get:

hc inl1 hc inl1 Priority access to the Hotel and Public Rooms

Priority access means that no matter how full the Hotel is you can get in straight away, so you can always access the site and there will be no more queuing. What's more, once your inside the Hotel Habbo Club allows you to jump the queue when visiting full Public Rooms!

hc inl1 A cool Habbo Club badge so everyone in the Hotel will know you are a member

All Habbo Club members get an exclusive HC badge next to their name.

habbo HC 1habbo HC 2habbo HC 3habbo HC 4

Habbo Club members that have been in Habbo Club for over a year get a special sparkly badge. Don't worry if you want to hide the fact you are in Habbo Club all you have to do is click on your badge and no one will be able to see it.

hc inl1THREE new funky dances

Members of Habbo Club can select from three extra dance styles, the Pogo Mogo, The Rollie and the Duck Funk. Create your own dance routines to impress your friends by switching between them. Hab-Hop (Also in the drop-down menu) is the normal Habbo dance.

hc inl1 Exclusive hair and clothes

Girls who join Habbo Club get to choose from an extra 16 different clothing styles and 8 different hair styles, boys get an additional 7 clothing styles and 9 different hair styles. Each style comes in so many different colours you will find it hard to choose a look.

hc inl1400 EXTRA spaces for friends on your Friend List

As a VIP Members (Habbo Club) you can have 500 Friends on your Friends List (Console)! Normal Members can only have 100 on their list. That's 400 more friends!

hc inl1Access to exclusive Habbo Club ONLY Public Rooms

Members of Habbo Club get access to two exclusive Habbo Club rooms, The Majestic and The House Of The Flying Carrots, these rooms are super funky and the perfect place to show off your Habbo Club dance moves! You can find these rooms on the Navigator, just open the Public Room list and click Habbo Club.

hc inl1 A rare item of Furni delivered to your hand each month you are a member

At the beginning of each new month of Habbo Club you will receive a special rare item of Furni, which is only given out to Habbos in Habbo Club.

Month 1 - HC Sofa

Month 2 - HC Plasto
Plasto Möbel Plasto Möbel Plasto Möbel plasto chair A 7 Plasto Möbel

Month 3 - Mochamaster
Edle Kaffeemaschine

Month 4 - Dicemaster
Würfelspiel Würfelspiel geöffnet

Month 5 - Tubmaster
HC Sprudelbad

Month 6 – Imperial Teleporters
Luxus-Teleporter Luxus-Teleporter

Month 7 - Throne Sofa
HC Sofa

Month 8 - Oil Lamp
HC Lampe

Month 9 - Nordic Table
HC Tisch

Month 10 – Magestic Chair

Month 11 - Study Desk
HC Sekretär

hc inl1 Special Guest Room layouts

When making a new Guest Room you get to choose from 2 additional layouts that are only available to members of Habbo Club, these layouts have stairs and are split onto 2 levels. You get to keep any rooms you have made using these layouts even if you choose not to re-new your Habbo Club membership.

hc inl1 Special commands

:chooser – This brings up a list of all Habbos in the room

:furni – This brings up a list of all items of Furni in the room (Only available to Habbos who have been in Habbo Club for more than one year).

To use these commands you just type them where you type to speak and click return or enter, then a pop up will appear containing the list.

If you are interested in Habbo Club, click HERE to find out how to buy!

Habbos in the hotel:
Check in! It's free!


Habbos in rooms: 0

All public spaces and guest rooms are currently empty.

Top 3 Guest rooms:

[K] Dark Style Home - 4 likes
Happy Hour GEN - 3 likes
grunge bar - 3 likes

Hotel view: 0



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#96 Icy Ice Cream Maker
"Virtual Ice Cream Rocks!"

Offsale: 23rd December
Price: 300c

Check-In Problems?

Shockwave was discontinued due to its age, the only way online:

How To Get Started:


Habbo.BZ Loader

- Load HabboBZ.exe
- Create your Habbo Character, name & password

If you still need help look at our full help page on how to get online to play Habbo: Help Getting Online


Become a VIP member!

Did you know that?
Buying VIP
helps keep the hotel up and running! :)

🎁 Benefits 🎁
- VIP Shop. Preview
- My Wardrobe (save outfits).
- :push and :pull command.
- :mimic (copy users look) command.
- 1,000c welcome gift.
- RARE Teal Dragon Lamp.
- Daily 150c login bonus.
- VIP Badge.
- Lifetime Membership.

💰 How To Buy? 💲
Click here to buy VIP.

Buy HC