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Moving around the hotel and chatting  

The Hotel Navigator
At the bottom of your screen you will see a mini hotel - this is the Hotel Navigator. Click on it to open it up. One tab shows you all the public spaces you can go to - the clubs, cafés, swimming pools etc. The other tab is where you'll find the guest rooms - rooms other Habbos have made themselves.

Moving around a room
It's easy to move inside a room - just click on a square to walk to it. If your feet need a rest, click on or under beds and chairs to sit or lie down. And if you fancy a boogie, click on your Habbo and then click the 'dance' button that appears on the right hand side of the screen.

If you want to say something, type in the box at the bottom of the screen and hit the return key. Only the people near you will hear - Habbos futher away will see dots in your speech bubble - so choose 'shout' to let the whole room know your thoughts. If you want to whisper something secret to another Habbo, choose 'whisper' and click on them before you hit return.

Making friends
Met someone you like? Click on them and click 'Ask to be a Friend' and a Friend Request will be sent to their Habbo Console. That's the yellow icon next to the Hotel Navigator. If they accept your request, they'll be added to your Friends List.

Designing your own room >

Habbos in the hotel:
Check in! It's free!


Habbos in rooms: 0

All public spaces and guest rooms are currently empty.

Top 3 Guest rooms:

?ļInfinite Raveļ? - 3 likes
Happy Hour GEN - 3 likes
Saga - 3 likes

Hotel view: 0



Please take a moment to vote for us, this will help us to increase our user base and continue growing. Thank you for your support!


#96 Icy Ice Cream Maker
"Virtual Ice Cream Rocks!"

Offsale: 23rd December
Price: 300c

Check-In Problems?

Shockwave was discontinued due to its age, the only way online:

How To Get Started:


Habbo.BZ Loader

- Load HabboBZ.exe
- Create your Habbo Character, name & password

If you still need help look at our full help page on how to get online to play Habbo: Help Getting Online


Become a VIP member!

Did you know that?
Buying VIP
helps keep the hotel up and running! :)

🎁 Benefits 🎁
- VIP Shop. Preview
- My Wardrobe (save outfits).
- :push and :pull command.
- :mimic (copy users look) command.
- 1,000c welcome gift.
- RARE Teal Dragon Lamp.
- Daily 150c login bonus.
- VIP Badge.
- Lifetime Membership.

💰 How To Buy? 💲
Click here to buy VIP.

Buy HC