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Welcome to Habbo Hotel

Habbo Hotel is a virtual Hotel where you can hang out with your friends, meet new ones, create and decorate your own personal space, and take part in a wide variety of activities and competitions.


Make sure you check the 'Habbo Today' section to find out what's going on in the Hotel when ever you Check-In.
New here? Click here to register!

Join the Habbo Club and get extra cool clothes, hair styles and furniture for your rooms!

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Online Safety

guide_helloHabbo Hotel is moderated 24 hours a day by professional moderators. Our Moderators are backed up by a team of nearly 69 Hotel Guides called Hobbas. All conversations are filtered for bad language, sexist and racist terms.

warning.gifConversations in all parts of Habbo Hotel are recorded and can be monitored as they take place without warning. Any questionable behaviour will be reported to the police.

Hotel Statistics

3468 registered Habbos.
2819 rooms created.
1781 photos taken.
160485 owned furniture in the hotel.
2273 furniture in the catalogue.
Hotel Launched: 28/05/2021
Useful Links

  • Rares Released History
  • Collectibles Released History
  • VIP Club
  • How To Play Habbo v21
  • Battle Ball High Scores
  • 08/01/2024 - ROTW #82!
    The new Rare of The Week is... the
    Blackcurrant Ice Cream Machine! This makes this our 6th Ice Cream Machine release (purple edition). Now on sale in the Rares catalogue page for only 150 credits. Ends on the 18th of January 2023!

    05/01/2024 - Collectable #11!
    Our eleventh collectible is back!
    The Shishi Odoishi has arrived and is now available in the Collectables catalogue page to purchase for 150 credits. Get it early before it's too late, ends 22nd of January 2024!

    More news >>


    Habbo Credits allow you to decorate your room, buy gifts for your friends, buy Habbo Club or play games like Wobble Squabble. Click HERE, and find out how to get your hands on some!

    Get extra hair styles, cool clothes and furniture for your room by joining Habbo Club

    Learn how to protect your account, Furni and Credits safe from scammers by reading out Help & Safety section.

    Do you need help taking care of your Habbo pets? Check out our Pets Page

    Don't Get Scammed!
  • DON'T give your password to anyone for any reason.
  • DO NOT give out your personal details like email address, home address, phone number, AIM or MSN name. This is serious. Bad things can happen.
  • Habbos in the hotel:
    Check in! It's free!


    Habbos in rooms: 0

    All public spaces and guest rooms are currently empty.

    Top 3 Guest rooms:

    Army Headquarters - 5 likes
    ?ļInfinite Raveļ? - 3 likes
    Happy Hour GEN - 3 likes

    Hotel view: 2



    Please take a moment to vote for us, this will help us to increase our user base and continue growing. Thank you for your support!


    #96 Icy Ice Cream Maker
    "Virtual Ice Cream Rocks!"

    Offsale: 23rd December
    Price: 300c

    Check-In Problems?

    Shockwave was discontinued due to its age, the only way online:

    How To Get Started:


    Habbo.BZ Loader

    - Load HabboBZ.exe
    - Create your Habbo Character, name & password

    If you still need help look at our full help page on how to get online to play Habbo: Help Getting Online


    Become a VIP member!

    Did you know that?
    Buying VIP
    helps keep the hotel up and running! :)

    🎁 Benefits 🎁
    - VIP Shop. Preview
    - My Wardrobe (save outfits).
    - :push and :pull command.
    - :mimic (copy users look) command.
    - 1,000c welcome gift.
    - RARE Teal Dragon Lamp.
    - Daily 150c login bonus.
    - VIP Badge.
    - Lifetime Membership.

    💰 How To Buy? 💲
    Click here to buy VIP.

    Buy HC